Phase I: Creating the Backbone

Creating the Backbone

The first step is creating the fundamental architecture of the model.  To do this, you need to agree upon a package structure within your business area.  It is important that everyone shares the same fundamental structure so that systems engineering contributors can easily jump from project to project and be familiar with the layout and so that when your system level models get incorporated into a system-of-systems model, the connections from parent model and all the child models will be uniform. 

Creating The Skeleton

Model Progression Graphic with focus on Phase I

Phase I Steps

Steps 1-3: These steps are meant to be done in series. 

Prerequisite: Setup Digital Engineering Environment: Determine company’s methodology, framework, package structure, & shared common libraries

Step 1) 

Determine Project Scope: What is the system, what is the system of systems, what are the subsystems

Step 2) 

Initial Vision: Determine Model Domains Desired and Priority (Stakeholder Interaction Map)

Step 3) 

Basic Framework: Buildout Abstract Top Level Assembly bdd 

Methodologies, Framework, & Package Structure 

There are several different package structures and layout methodologies which are perfectly good to use.  MagicGrid and OOSEM are two places to start.  Read more methodology related information here: What MBSE Methodologies Are Widely Accepted? 

MagicGrid Methodology

Go to this site,, and download the 350 page manual for implementing the MagicGrid Methodology.   This pdf is free and instant download after clicking the link.  The MagicGrid methodology came out in 2017 and piggy backs off of the previous Methodologies meantioned here : What MBSE Methodologies Are Widely Accepted? 

OOSEM Methodology

OOSEM stands for Object Oriented Systems Engineering Method.  OOSEM was originally based on the Object Management Group (OMG) Unified Modeling Language (UML); it now uses the OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) to represent systems analysis and design information. It contains activities for needs and requirements analysis, logical and allocated architecture design, and includes guidance for trade studies, validation and verification. 

Home Grown Methodology

If creating a homegrown package structure, we suggest at least having the following packages: 

Alternatively, Model Based System Architecture suggests 3 main packages (pg93): 

Phase I Model Timeline Buildout

The diagrams below show how the model will be built out.  Several tasks will happen in parallel during development.  The team will explore the available external software tools, they will build out the low level Cameo system architecture,  and work on building out the threads. Steps 1→4 below show a practical way to build out the model. 

Note: Make sure you don't build out medium levels of fidelity on domains you already have external tools which perform that function/simulation.  Likely, the external tool will do a better job, people will wonder why we are solving the problem using two different approaches, and your team will likely end up removing the medium fidelity Cameo simulation and replacing it causing significant rework.


Matrix explaining how to build out the model by building out the cameo model and digital thread

1) Starting Point

Matrix explaining how to build out the model by building out the cameo model and digital thread

2) External Simulation Tools Realized

Matrix explaining how to build out the model by building out the cameo model and digital thread

3) Investigate Threads & Build Out Cameo Low Fidelity "Hooks"


Matrix explaining how to build out the model by building out the cameo model and digital thread

4) Add Thread(s) & Build Out Low Fidelity Domains

Template Models & Shared Common Libraries

There should be at least two levels of digital engineering implementation: the higher level and the lower level.  The higher global level makes the templates for all following projects starting points and updates the shared common libraries. The lower project level includes project specific content and structure. 

Model hierarchy and project usage structure for System-of-systems model, systems model & shared libraries