SysML Certification
Exam Preparation Bundles
Object Management Group (OMG)
There are several popular certifications SysML practitioner's seek to obtain. The Object Management Group (OMG) SysML certification and the INCOSE Systems Engineering certification are the most popular modelers pursue and managers look for in potential future contributors on their project.
About THE
OCSMP Certification
OCSMP stands for OMG-Certified Systems Modeling Language (SysML) Professional. OMG stands for Object Management Group. These certifications are for SysML systems architects and designers. This requires knowledge of the diagram types, elements, and relationships. It is very helpful to be working in a SysML tool such as Cameo or MagicDraw for some time to become familiar with the language before taking the first exam.

There are four levels of certification:
Level 1
Model User
Level 2
Model Builder Fundamental
Level 3
Model Builder Intermediate
Level 4
Model Builder Advanced
For more detailed exam information, visit the OMG website here
CameoMagic's Exam Preparation Bundles
We offer bundle study packages for each of the 4 levels of OMG SysML certifications meantioned above. Read about each bundle specifically below.
Level 1 OCSMP Model User Study Prep 4-in-1 Bundle
- Practice test which includes 90 questions, answers, and detailed answer rational with text references and quoted exerts. Practice questions are in the same format, have the right ratio of diagram questions to conceptual questions, and has the correct content coverage. This practice exam will not be verbatim of the exam questions. Answers and rational will be provided on the last couple of pages of the .pdf.
- Exam signup instructions which helps you decide whether to take your exam in person or online, and offers additional tips and details not available on their website.
- Exam Study Guide which offers a detailed list of topics which will be on the exam.
- SysML review sheet which is a bunch of SysML syntax all put on one reference sheet. This can be helpful for day of test review and even on the job.
Level 2 OCSMP Model Builder Fundamental Study Prep 4-in-1 Bundle
- Practice test which includes 90 questions, answers, and detailed answer rational with text references and quoted exerts. Practice questions are in the same format, have the right ratio of diagram questions to conceptual questions, and has the correct content coverage. This practice exam will not be verbatim of the exam questions. Answers with paragraph style rational will be provided for each question.
- Exam signup instructions which helps you decide whether to take your exam in person or online, and offers additional tips and details not available on their website.
- Exam Study Guide which offers a detailed list of topics which will be on the exam.
- SysML review sheet which is a bunch of SysML syntax all put on one reference sheet. This can be helpful for day of test review and even on the job.
Level 3 OCSMP Model Builder Intermediate Study Prep 4-in-1 Bundle
- Practice test with 90 questions. Answers are available to all questions within the .pdf provided on the last page. Rational to the answers are provided in a 2.5hr YouTube video which you will gain access to upon purchase. Practice questions are VERY similar to exam questions.
- Exam signup instructions which helps you decide whether to take your exam in person or online, and offers additional tips and details not available on their website.
- Exam Study Guide which offers a detailed list of topics which will be on the exam.
- SysML review sheet which is a bunch of SysML syntax all put on one reference sheet. This can be helpful for day of test review and even on the job.
Level 4 OCSMP Model Builder Advanced Study Prep Prep 4-in-1 Bundle
- Practice test includes 90 questions, answers, and written answer rational within the practice test. Practice questions are VERY similar to exam questions.
- Exam signup instructions which helps you decide whether to take your exam in person or online, and offers additional tips and details not available on their website.
- Exam Study Guide which offers a detailed list of topics which will be on the exam.
- SysML review sheet which is a bunch of SysML syntax all put on one reference sheet. This can be helpful for day of test review and even on the job.
OMG SysML Cert Exam Prep Bundles
Select a bundle you would like to purchase.

C. G. Galloway, L3Harris
I went ahead and purchased again because I knew it would be worth it. When we first talked way back, you were just getting started on solving the questions. It was crazy how the MBI300 test had been sold with mostly incorrect answers by TestPassport

Isaac Salazar, Booz Allen Hamilton
I recently found your YouTube channel and website when searching for information on Internal Block Definition diagrams. The videos are clear and to the point and I have learned a lot from them over the past couple of days. I like how you categorize the Tool, Method, and Language aspects

Mark Scoville, Northrop Grumman
I recently came across CameoMagic - YouTube, and I am impressed for a number of reasons, not the least of which is how you have gone beyond the basic questions and have incorporated better practices, options, application and utility into your videos. Hats off – very very nice work!
About THE INCOSE Systems
Engineering Certification
INCOSE stands for International Council on Systems Engineering. These certifications are for systems engineers which want to show both knowledge and experience in the field of systems engineering. This requires minimal knowledge of SysML and no knowledge of Cameo tool usage. It is important to understand the different disciplines and types of processes which occur throughout the system lifecycle.

There are three levels of certification:
Level 1
Associate Systems Engineering Professional (ASEP)
Level 2
Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP)
Level 3
Expert Systems Engineering Professional (ESEP)
For more detailed information about the certifications, visit INCOSE's site here
INCOSE Systems Engineering Study
Preparation Materials
At this time, CameoMagic does not offer any preparation materials. Please email us if you're interested in this potential future offering.
We recommend studying for the ASEP and CSEP exams by watching the video series below.
Note: CameoMagic did not create this content, but does find it helpful